Hi welcome to dudeday.com, I'm here to help you navigate these pages. I know it isn't much right now, but I'll be working on it constantly. If you have any suggestions please leave a message on the guestbook page. I'd like to thank freeonlinegames.com for giving this page some stuff to do. I'd like to thank miniclip and addicting games as well.
First off, you may be wondering why this website was formed. A lot of people across the web use the internet to have some fun. There are thousands of games that people can play and yet it is kinda hard to find them all. Imagine that there was some magical page where all games were found? Then add music and videos and forums and a bunch of other crap. That is the purpose of dudeday.com.
Second, to help with the development of the site, I will soon be forming a council of some sort with around ten members to suggest improvements with the site. If you want to apply for the position leave a message in the guestbook page. I will look at the possible canadates and select them on the basis of these three things.
1: You must post in the forum and must be of some help to the site.
2:No language will be tolerated, you my not use any profane language. That means no harassment to new members.
3:You must stay active. You are no help if you aren't there.
With that being said enjoy the site.

Well this site has been running for about a week now and has had very few visitors, now I'm about to get some viewer traffic. If you can, refer this website to atleast one person, more if you can. This will make it a better page for us all. The more visitors the better of a chat you have. More people equal better forum discussions. Overall it benfits us all. Get out there and get people in here.